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Sales & maintenance of CHILLER, DEHUMIDIFIER, VACUUM PUMP, A/C FOR CLEANROOM and air dryer. Saving Energy Solutions!

About Precision Air Processors and Specialized Air Processors


At ORION we strive to make products that can achieve higher levels of temperature and humidity control and cleaner environments for every field, ranging from semiconductor and liquid crystal processing, to energy-related fields such as solar cell and biomass technologies, as well as nano-processing for ultra-precision processing equipment and medical treatment, university and public research departments, corporate research departments, and others.

At ORION Machinery, with "Everything From Whole-Area Air Processing to Localized Precision Air Processing" as our key phrase, and using the latest technology unmatched the world over, we propose the PAP Series of Precision Air Processors that utilize "Heat Pump Balance Control and DC Inverter Regulated Capacity Control."

Product Categories

PAP Precision Air Processor

PAP Precision Air Processor


PAP-D Dehumidifying
Precision Air Processor

PAP-D Dehumidifying Precision Air Processor


PAP-L Low-Temperature
Precision Air Processor

PAP-L Low-Temperature Precision Air Processor


PAP-R Facility-Use Precision
Air Processor

PAP-R Facility-Use Precision Air Processor


Ultra-Low Dew Point Dry
Air Supply Equipment

Ultra-Low Dew Point Dry Air Supply Equipment


Air Processor

Air Processor




Related Information

Latest Update 02 Jul 2022
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