Greetings - WE HAVE HEART MIND |
Our mission since the beginning.
"ThreeHigh" consists of three "High"s.
【High-Technology】confidence in our level of technology (skill)
【High-Touch】 being passionate in our communication and interaction with people (customer service)
【High-Fashion】 creation of high quality products and services (creativity)
"Manufacturing" involves the feelings of many people.
If you only look at an item, it may seem like a simple commodity. But there are many people connected with a product: Those involved in planning, manufacturing the individual parts and assembling the product, but also those using the item and later on replacing it again.
That is why we are strongly committed to the manufacturing process itself, and want to create heaters that can be used by every customer at every occasion, rather than standard products. We also strive to understand the feelings of all the people involved in the manufacturing of heaters, as well as the feelings of our customers who use them. This is our corporate philosophy, "We care about things, we care about people."
Makoto Ozawa
ThreeHigh Co.,Ltd.
We care about things, We want to warm things and people through the manufacture of heaters. This is what we have in our mind when we communicate with our customers. Our customers' happiness is our greatest pleasure. |
We bring warmth We want to deliver warmth to the factories, to the community, to the town, and to the world. We want to make our employees, our families, our customers, and our community feel warm with us. It is our goal to spread warmth through smiles and laughter. That is why we are manufacturing industrial heaters and nurturing manufacturers and carriers all over the world. This is what we do. |
"3 High", which is also the origin of the company name of ThreeHigh,
「High Technology」「High Touch」「High Fashion」 is the value that
ThreeHigh has delivered to everyone, it remains unchanged since our founding.
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary, all employees will reacknowledge this value again.
We have renewed our logo as a symbol of our will to evolve further.
ThreeHigh will start a new step in order to enhance the three unchanging values.
Company Overview |
C.E.O. : Makoto Ozawa
Manufacture and sale of heaters for industrial purposes
● Silicone rubber heater
● Heater for drum containers and cylinders
● Heater for piping
● Heater for hot plates
● Cord Heater and Belt Heater
● Ribbon heater (tape heater)
● Mantle heater
● Cementing spot heater
● Heating hose
● Insulation jacket
● Temperature controller
● Thermostat
● Temperature sensor
● Heater for IBC
● Techeater
TEL +81-45-590-5561
FAX +81-45-590-5571
Japanese : (MATSUMOTO Eiji Mr.)
Japanese : (SAITO Kyoko Ms.) (日本語) (English) (ภาษาไทย) (Tiếng Việt) (THREEHIGH ONLINE STORE)
May 24, 1990
30 million yen
Resona Bank, Limited
The Bank of Yokohama,Ltd.
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation