Air Micrometer

ISSOKU’S Air Micrometer is supported by our many years of precision gauge manufacturing techniques, and it is of highly appraised for its reliability and precision, making it of great value in quality control and increased efficiency in a world-wide industrial world. ISSOKU’S AM’s four basic models- the Column Model(flow type), dial model(back pressure type),Digital Model(back pressure type)- can be used not only to measure dimensions, but also for complicated profile measuring automatic measuring, automatic sorting and etc., making them practical over a wide variety of uses. The measuring head can be standardized according to measuring factors and also by order-made designs to meet various measuring requirement.
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Column Model Air Micrometer flowmec (PAT.)

Flowmec is a precision relative measuring instrument that measures changes in airflow running through a slight clearance between workpiece and measuring head as read by the expansion of a float in taper tude. The measuring system consists of flowmec main body(a filter unit and touch tube are standard accessories), measuning head and masters.
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Dial type air micrometer DI-300

Analogmeter with high visibility applied, thus workshop load reduced by easy read. DI-300 can realize high sensible and stable measurement applying differerntial pressure type which has almost no influence by change of air source supplied.
PDF Catalogue(949kb)
Digital Model Air Micrometer mini

Compact type pursuing user’s measurement intentions and needs. Each size of W67mm×H107mm(124mm for DI-40)×115mm.has a built-in regulator and complies with multi power supplies within a range of 85 to 264V for multiple area usage. Basic model is called DI-10 but other models with additional functions(DI-20,21,40) are also availavle. Select each model dependent on intended usage. Previously the air pressure of flow type air circuits was limited due to the use of tapered glass tubes. Now through the use of a backpressure type circuit, higher reliability of the measuring. head and furthermore, eliminating oil or dust of measuring workpices. Moreover, since it is a differential pressure type comprising of a parallel bridge circuit trough the addition of a zero adjustment circuit(colored red) to the back pressure type air circuit, it is less influenced by pressure fluctuations in air supply, which can result in higher sensitivity and a wider range of measurement.
PDF Catalogue(829kb)