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YAMATO PROTEC gained top market share of portable fire extinguishers

We are committed to mobilize our own unique technological strength and continue to challenge to provide ideal "Security and Safety".

Based upon our wish "to protect invaluable human lives and irreplaceable properties from disasters", YAMATO PROTEC has been engaged in disaster prevention business for nearly one century.

What can it be done to prevent a disaster before hand, and furthermore, what can we offer to minimize the damage in the unlikely event of a disaster.

We are committed to continue challenging to create an ideal, safe environment where everybody can live at ease, by making a full use of our own unique technological strength and knowhow gained and accumulated through our achievements and experiences.

The responsibility of the Number One

Since its foundation in 1918, we have endeavored to build the safety basis for the society as a disaster prevention equipment manufacturer with a main product of fire extinguisher.
While cherishing the history, we intend to promote the research and development of disaster prevention systems as well as crime prevention equipment that are not only in line with 21st century, but also one step ahead of the time, so that we, as a comprehensive disaster prevention systems manufacturer can continue to be a top brand that is reliable and trustworthy.

The disaster prevention communication pioneering the new era

YAMATO PROTEC contributing to create a safe and pleasant environment through disaster prevention systems

Highly appreciated
"YP recycling system"

Establishing a recycling system is the "duty of a manufacturer"

Aiming to achieve Recycling Society LCA = Life-cycle Assessment

Fire extinguisher

Fire extinguishers are a most familiar and accessible disaster prevention tool and powerfully effective for the initial fire extinguishing activity

Fire extinguishers are developed and evolved as a most familiar and accessible fire suppression tool, and thereby various types of fire extinguishers have been created.

In 1963, we have succeeded in developing the Japan's first ABC powder fire extinguisher, which is said to be a revolution of fire extinguisher, and particularly thereafter the fire extinguishers have been widespread at an accelerated rate particularly since.

Currently, while using the ABC powder fire extinguishers as a representative model, water-based fire extinguishers such as reinforced liquid (neutral) fire extinguishers and foam fire extinguishers are being effectively installed according to the subjects and applications.

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Automatic fire extinguishing system "ABLE"

In recent years, industrial equipment showing a remarkable development are controlled by electronic devices, contributing to labor saving and full automation (no-man operation).

For such a variety of industrial equipment, the automatic fire extinguishing system ABLE was developed as a fully automatic small fire extinguishing system that provides excellent fire extinguishing performance.

There are 3 types (carbon dioxide, foam and powder types) of fire extinguishing agents to choose from to match with the characteristics of industrial equipment.

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Disaster prevention equipment works

For the creation of comfortable facilities in the age to come. Environmentally friendly and proven disaster prevention systems.

Based on the understanding that the purpose of disaster prevention systems is to maintain and sustain the modern world, the disaster prevention systems in the age to come must be capable of not only ensuring human safety and protecting their irreplaceable properties such as buildings, but also capable of being friendly to the natural environment.

With the disaster prevention systems that ensure the protection of buildings and the safety of the people living therein as well as friendly to the environment, we offer the happiness of security that any and all items subjected to fire are protected.

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Latest Update 19 Sep 2024